We play charades ! We make new friends ! We learn new things ! And we have fun !

27 Mart 2021 Cumartesi

Sessiz Sinema Etkinliği Nasıl Oynanır ?

Çocuklar için birçok etkinlik vardır. Bunlardan biri de "play charades" yani sessiz sinema oyunudur. Bu oyunun farklı şekillerde oynanabilir. 

- sadece beden dilini kullanarak istenen hedef anlatılabilir. 

- sadece kalem ve kağıt materyalleri kullanarak resim çizme yoluyla hedef kelime anlatılabilir. 

- hem beden dilini hem de etraftaki işe yarayacak araç ve gereç kullanılarak hedef kelime anlatılabilir.  


Charades is a classic party game for all ages. The aim of the game is to convey ideas without speaking, developing kids’ non-verbal communication skills, while having a giggle! Adapting the game for various ages is easy as their peers from the opposite team think of the words or phrases they have to act out. Who doesn’t love a bit of friendly competition?

Fun fact!

Did you know that mime is one of the earliest forms of communication? Before there was a spoken language, primitive humans used mime to communicate!

Equipment needed

  • -Pen or pencil
  • -Paper
  • -Stopwatch



Split an older group into two teams. Give everyone a strip of paper to write a charade on, for smaller groups write a couple of ideas each. Ideas can include book, film or song titles, actions or everyday words and things. Then put all of the ideas from Team A into a hat or bag for Team B to pull them from, and vice versa.


A nominated person from Team A pulls a charade out of the hat and has to get their team to guess the word or phrase without speaking. They can break the word down into syllables and use hand gestures and mime, but no noises are allowed. You can clap, but you can’t baa like a sheep, for example.


You can either put a time limit on the guessing or if the other team give up, then no point is awarded and it’s Team B’s turn to pick up a charade. For every correct guess the team receives a point – the first team to five points wins! Alternatively, for younger children, you can just put all of the ideas into one bag and take it in turns acting out to the rest of the group. The child who guesses correctly gets to act out the next charade.

"https://www.realplaycoalition.com/activities-for-kids/how-to-play-charades/" sitesinden alıntılanmıştır. 

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